A great way of making the most of your pageant journey is to make yourself a pageant like page. This is where you can keep your private life private and your pageant life public. Other pageants, modelling agencies, businesses and pageant fans can find this page and keep up to date with every step you do. Not only that, it makes sharing the content of your page easier across the internet when it comes to your platform and causes, like charity events you are holding, etc. Lastly, it’s a nice collection of all your pageant memoires. This piece is going to be all about how to maximise your page for ultimate pageant goodness!!
1. Be Active!! You’ve got people to like your page, and then you don’t update it for months. The people following your page will have forgotten you by then!! You could have been active in your titleholder year but simply updated your own personal Facebook rather than your page. Keep your page up to date, if time is an issue dedicate a couple of hours a week and schedule posts to come out at certain times! I always do a throwback picture of my time in pageantry over the past 8 years, from crowning moments to fun appearances I have done and they are scheduled on my page until June time!( You can schedule up to 6 months in advance!!). If I was a judge and wanted to see who was competing in a pageant I was judging, I would search to see if they have a Facebook page so I have a little background information (this is where if you have that person on Facebook as a friend, they are keeping it clean on their private profiles!)
2. Make it interactive! Statuses are great but they don’t really attract that many people to read the content and share. Pictures of course that actually go with what you are writing work well as more people are going to look at a photo rather than just scroll past words. Videos are also a great tool to have on your page. This way you can talk about your appearance or what you have been doing, or anything pageant related! A lot of pageant girls are on YouTube as well (which is not my area of expertise but you can see how successful some of the girls are on there so if you are comfortable with vlogging and using a camera, use this as an outlet as well!!). Videos are also a great way of getting over interview nerves, so use your page to help this!!
3. Post at the right times. If you are a night bird and up at three in the morning, posting all your information is not going to reach the right people. The right times of course are usually breakfast and dinner time, think of the times when most of your friends are online or when you see the most interaction online. Try to post within those times to get the reactions you want, even if that means scheduling at those times! When posting, also look at what you are posting, the spelling and grammar, how it is laid out and whether the wording could be better.
4. Consider a blog! I love blog writing which is of course what I am doing now, but this is also a great way of reaching out and telling my story of pageantry. I can talk about my charity work, about my preparations for up coming pageants or what I have been up to my community and share with pictures. Blogging is a great read so of course don’t go on too much about one thing, and also make sure the content is relevant, I don’t need to read about every single bit of food you ordered at maccie D’s!! This is also a great way to build up your confidence if you aren’t great on camera, you can write down what you would say instead!

5. Link your other social media to your page! You can link your Instagram to your pageant page (make sure you have a pageant Instagram or at least be selective as what photos you are going to share, as people will find you through this and see some of those night out photos!). You can also link your twitter as well. Once again these are great tools you can use to keep your page active, without too much effort! Tag other pages, tag your pageant system you are competing in and any charity/community/businesses in these posts so it can be shared more and also bring the right attention. Businesses are more likely to sponsor you if they know they are going to be promoted and have a platform to be promoted on! By you having the social media links, they can see that their money is being well spent! The same goes for the pageant system, they can see you will be a good ambassador for their pageant (of course the final say goes to the judges, which could be anyone from the pageant industry and beyond!)
The best part about being a pageant queen, apart from wearing the amazing outfits, is inspiring others and making a difference in this world. Your facebook like page gives you this platform to share your message, to interact with people who wouldn’t be able to reach you on your own social media, to be contacted with amazing offers from businesses or events that want you to take part! Use it to your advantage!! You never know who could be watching!
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