Pageant Charity Fundraising- From the small to grand scale!

Being a pageant girl, fundraising for charity will be a staple part within your titleholder year. From fundraising for that systems chosen charity at regionals, to attending various events as the UK winner. I love that pageant queens raise so much awareness and money for different charities all over the UK, donating money but also their time to help these causes. This blog piece is all about how you can help make a difference, from the little things to the massive events you can hold! Being the top fundraiser at a pageant can be an amazing feeling, but don’t feel like you have to spread yourself too thin or that you didn’t raise enough funds like other pageant queens because even the littlest amounts make sue a big difference. Winning the charity award does not mean you automatically win the whole pageant, you could have been helping raising other funds for different charities or creating appeals to help those in need. Fingers crossed this will help you and not send you into a panic!
1.The little things
If you are panicking about the lack of time you have to hold a big event, there are so many things you can do that can raise funds for charities without the stress of planning, finding venues etc and ones that can fit into your life as working full time it can be hard to find the time! Some suggestions:
Cake sale- At another event or pageant or even at work!
Raffles- If you can create a great raffle prize to raffle off, get people at work/ college/ facebook to donate a couple of pounds for a ticket. Just make sure not to overtag people on facebook, share away but if you are a pageant girl getting a million notifications for the same post it will put people off, no matter how amazing the prize is!

Sponsored walks/bike ride/silence/no make up- Can be done within a day, at the gym or at your local park, go a week without make up or chocolate, something that can raise a couple of hundred for charity!
Car boots/ Ebay- Clear out the clutter and make some money! Two birds with one stone! If you are at a car boot sale, let them know you are fundraising for charity as lots of people will donate a pound here and there, which all adds up!

2.Challenge yourself!!
People will donate to a charity if they feel passionate about that cause, for example I will always donate to a personal cause like MIND to help with mental health, some will donate to Cancer charities because they have family members who have been affected. Pageants are great at choosing charities that might not get as much donations as the main UK charities which is where going that little bigger on your charity efforts can help raise their profile!

Abseiling, Sky Diving, Rope Climbs, Half Marathons, Tough Mudders, long endurance challenges are just a few challenges that think outside the box and really get people to donate. Face your fears whilst raising funds for a good cause! You can also use your local press to help gain more interest!
3.Aim big

This is where the event planning comes into place! You need to be dedicated to planning this event in order to make it an success, research your area and also what’s happening in the pageant world along these dates so you don’t clash and also be prepared to spend money to make more money! You want to make sure you plan with plenty of time ahead so you aren’t running around like a headless chicken (as much!) and make sure you have a great support network as those are the girls/guys you are going to coming to at 2am when you can’t get a table decoration right!!

Stall Holder and Fun days: from arranging the venue, getting in stall holders, checking the legal requirements, entertainment, how much you are going to charge, press releases and local support.

Pub Quizzes- Making sure that you have the right questions and answers (some pub quiz teams are ruthless), a good enough prize and the backing of the venue. With all charity events try and keep the costs as low as you can!

Fitness days: Making sure you have qualified instructors and enough refreshments! Most gyms won’t charge you for holding a day like this, some parks and venues will charge you for holding a charity run so look at the pros and cons! Also make sure that the instructors are willing to give up their time, or budget for a payment! Charge according to how long the event is, for example I taught at a three-hour spinathon and they charged £10 an hour, so people could stay for one or try all three hours!

Balls: The classy event which everyone wants to wear a ballgown and dance the night away in their crowns, but there is A LOT of work that goes into this! You need to make sure the venue is a good location with ample parking, value the tickets where you have enough to cover the costs and still donate enough to charity. Are you going to have a sit down meal or a buffet, look at the cost. Will there be a photobooth or photographer, at my charity ball I had a great photographer that printed the photos there and then with the money adding to the charity total. Think about auctions or raffles, get local businesses to donate prizes to promote the businesses and also provide you with something extra. These events can raise up to thousands but look at the timing of the event, most people have money at the start of the month or end depending on their pay, holding an event in the middle means they won’t have as much money to donate, the same goes for events around Christmas. Be mindful of all the extras.

These are all just a few suggestions, there are so many things you can do, use what you do as an advantage or your hobbies like if you love dogs, charity dog walk! If you are crafty, make things! Some people even hold little charity pageants as well to raise funds! Look online for more ideas, see what other pageant girls have been up to and most of all, see what is doable for you!!

This piece is about fundraising money for charity, but there are so many different ways you can help charities but that is another blogs worth of content!!
