What to look for when entering your next pageant….

So, you’ve just finished competing or have been watching the pageants recently on live feed and thinking “I could do this”, here is a guide of how to make the most of your pageant experience and your sponsorship money.

(Young European International Pageants lead to internationals in Texas)

1.       Where do you see yourself in pageants? Would you just want to do one final or would you like to go to internationals?

When entering a pageant, you need to see how much time you have before the finals, if there is any prep work like appearances and fundraising for a certain charity and whether it leads to an international. The next step of if it does lead to an international, is everything included like flights, hotel and international entry. There are some pageants that offer the option of international but don’t cover those expenses so make sure you read the terms and conditions! If you would rather just win a crown, then look for a pageant which is small with no contract ties. Make sure you look at the terms and conditions to prepare yourself, and also that you are not breaking any rules. Some pageants don’t allow children or being married, others do. It depends on their system but also the international system, look at the dates for internationals if you are available, and if there are any other events you have to do.

(Galaxy pageants as part of Pageant Girl UK, this pageant also leads to internationals)

2.       Justify the cost of sponsorship. 

If a pageant only costs £20 to enter, ask yourself is that a pageant worth entering? Would you be proud to represent that pageant if you won? This excludes charity pageants because charity pageants will always be a low cost and no contract ties, leaving all the money raised to help that charity. These are usually run by other pageant girls to help aid them in the pageant they are competing in. Also, would you pay £100 for a “international” pageant, if it is international. Any pageant can call itself a UK pageant, international or world pageant as there isn’t a governing body sadly on pageants so you need to look at the pageant as a whole. The reason pageants cost so much is the money it takes to hold them. You have to think of the crown and sash costs, the venue cost and if it’s international the costs of going abroad. I would pay £200-£300 for an international pageant as I know the prize behind it is worth it however I would be doubtful paying more than that for just a national pageant which doesn’t live up to that sponsorship money. Of course, you can get a sponsor and approach businesses, raise the money yourself but don’t waste your money if it’s not worth the entry money you give. Look at the venue it is being hosted in, look at the activities, the quality of the regional sashes. Take it all in before deciding.

(Scotland Supreme pageants is a national pageant with no direct heats)

3.        Look at the social media presence from the pageant?

A good pageant will be active on social media with worthwhile posts, not just sharing or posting any silly thing but something that connects to their pageant. Do they feature their queens on there or not? Are there videos or anything interactive where you can really get to know the pageant. It is so important in this day and age to be active on social media, with Facebook and Instagram being the main social media tools that everyone uses (because who isn’t on Facebook nowadays!). Make sure you look at the pageant pages but also if they have a website as well. A website is crucial because it gives that professional feeling, that you are more likely to get a response through the contact me page than through a Facebook comment or message when there could be different admins on that page that can’t answer your question. The website will show that the pageant has really put an effort into creating a professional pageant which is not looking to take your money, but rather promote you on a different level and grow with you as a potential queen.

(Miss Inspiration is a national final pageant, where you have regional titles leading to the final)

4.       What are the directors like?

Most directors will keep it professional on their Facebook pages because they know more than anyone else, the drama social media can cause if you write or share the wrong thing. Directors will be actively avoiding this at all costs, keeping their own personal opinions to themselves, with many pageants being created from past beauty queens who have seen the ins and outs of pageantry and bring their own spin to it. Avoid pageants if the director is using curse words or sharing inappropriate content or getting in a war of words on another status. Do you want to be involved in a pageant scandal?! Look at how long they have been involved in the pageant scene, how they are with their current queens and what they bring to the pageant world. When I look for a pageant, I want to make sure the director is approachable as I always have a million and one questions! Patience is a big thing for directors! You will find some amazing directors in the UK who really put their all into their pageants, which you will be able to tell when it’s the final. If you feel welcome and like a big pageant family, then you have found the right pageant!

(Miss Divine is a national pageant which has regional titles leading to the finals)

5.       Do the current queens promote the system?

The current queens play a massive part into whether the next pageant final will be a success or not. If the queens win their crown but then fall off the radar, then how is anyone meant to know about the pageant? I always look at how productive a current queen is, to see if I can aspire to be like that queen and want to follow in their footsteps. This also shows how a director is like behind the scenes as you are not going to want to do appearances and support a system if behind the scenes aren’t cozy. Current queens are also there for advice about the system, to support their fellow sisters and make sure your journey as a finalist is one of the best years you can have, which will make you want their crown even more! The same can be said about past queens as well, are they still involved in the system? Do the runner ups return the next year to try and win again? You wouldn’t enter a pageant again if it wasn’t something you wanted right? When you do your research, a simple message to one of the queens just to ease your mind or make your decision easier is always welcome, after all they will give you an honest answer compared to others who may not even know the system or heard words on the grapevine.

(Miss National Treasure is a national pageant based in Scotland) 

6.       Finally, is it a system you would be proud to represent?

Most pageants will have a motto, something that makes them unique. It could be from the message they are getting across or a cause they believe in, to the chosen charity they support. If it is a charity close to your heart, that pageant could appeal more to you. Alternatively, other pageants let you have the freedom of fundraising for your own charity, so you don’t feel obliged to raise funds for a cause you don’t believe in. From empowering woman, inspiring others and being accepting of diversity, read up on the pageant and see if it’s something that you could be a part of. Don’t enter a pageant just because you like the look of the crown, or it’s the cheaper pageant out of the three you have picked. Enter a pageant that you can truly relate to and have an amazing year as a regional titleholder and if you are lucky a national or international queen! The reason there are so many inspiring role models out in the pageant community is because they truly put their heart and soul into these systems, getting the most out of their pageantry career.

Get those gowns out, put that sash on and enjoy your role as a pageant queen! Remember it is down to you to make the most out of your pageant experience, if you do your homework you won’t be in for any unpleasant surprises! Talk to other pageant girls but sometimes take their words with a pinch of salt because not everyone is nice if they haven’t won, sometimes you have to experience it for yourself to see if it’s true or not. Be prepared, read the terms and conditions, prepare those outfits and practice those walks! The crown will be yours one day!
